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Your Local Georgia Plumbing Service   24/7 Emergency Hotline Call Now!

Plumbing originated in the world as early as the first civilization of humans was formed. Initially, it was focused on creating utilities to supplying fresh water as well as treatment of dirty water in public baths and was represented by merely wide outlets for the passage of water and the natural flow of water bodies was used as the basic tool for doing that.

With the advancement of human societies, plumbing developed into a major service with the function of promoting better living conditions. As a broad perspective, effective plumbing was considered a must have for society as a whole to ensure sanitation and cleanliness along with avoiding health problems related to unsanitary conditions.

Plumbing as an activity moved in basically two functions:

  1. Supplying Fresh water
  2. Removal of used water.

Owing to the importance of these basic activities, which are often overlooked by the general public, these form a crucial base for the healthy functioning of a society. Having said that, removal of used water as a separate activity has developed into an entirely professional function in society with a series of newer developments in the field. These developments have led to a professional flow of knowledge and expertise for employing better methods in the day to day problems associated with drainage.

Current plumbing is based mostly out of drains, through a matrix of pipelines to the sewage systems, which then result in the ultimate removal of water. Apparently, every household currently faces the problem of drain clogs on a day to day basis. Drain Cleaning as a separate function in the whole process of plumbing can appear very small but it has our guts out whenever it happens and the first thing we have in our mind is to get it fixed. However, most of the people lack the required knowledge to get it fixed appropriately to avoid further problems. Drains work in a systematic way and the required solution can only be given in the best possible way by experts in the field, which holds true for almost anything.

First Question that pops up in mind is whether Drain Cleaning is really that important as to require professional help in households or industries. One proposition is that we can think about instead of expert help is by using available drain cleaners on our own. Listed below are some reasons as to why proper Drain Cleaning by experts is required in the first place:

  1. Health Issues:  We have read over and over about the health issues associated with diseases spreading through stagnant water. Bacterias love to flourish in a clogged drain and dirtier the water is, more grander is the party for them. The party would mean the diseases they are likely to spread. It does not need an entirely clogged drain for  this as even a drain which is not clean enough can give rise to disease causing bacteria. This is because longer the water stays in a particular place, the higher sustainability it develops for primitive beings.

  1. Potential hazards:  The most widely used tools for cleaning drains by household is using alkaline drain cleaners which have various chemicals, capable of creating problems for the users if coming in contact with the user’s skin, face or eyes. Problems can range from skin infections or burning, vomiting and even loss of vision if not attended to. These are potential hazards associated with simple drain cleaners available at any convenience store and extent of the damage increases with the potency of the chemicals used for making the final product. Also, using chemicals in the wrong mix can also damage the inner systems and lead to internal water leakages, as a reason of being prone to strong chemicals over a longer period of time which may solve the clogging once but may harm the internal structure of drainage. Along with the health hazards, unfit drains also create a risk of jamming water channels which in turn may lead to flooding of premises and even damage to property. Even if the drain is in working condition, it may not hold good in the event of any emergencies if professional measures are not looked upon for the betterment of the same. The major factor for consideration is that of a normal household, a drain is just a measure for draining out the water, but the effects on overlooking it may be far worse than we would have thought upon. All these reasons, creates a need for expert plumbing in Drain Cleaning, role/benefits of which is explained below.

The Role of an Expert plumbing in Drain Cleaning:

Because of the above factors, the need for expert plumbing in drainage cleaning has risen many times over. Expert plumbers have a wide variety of tools like hand tools, augers, cameras and other plumbing specific machines, most importantly they possess knowledge of plumbing systems and drain networks. The inherent knowledge also allows them to use any required chemicals or tools in the safest way possible by avoiding any damage to the sewage systems and any risk associated with human health.

Having said that, expert plumbers can also give you valuable advice as to how to avoid future problems and maintain the health of the whole drainage system per se. Regular maintenance activities of drains is also an activity which cannot be performed by regular people and experts have to be approached for it to happen in the best possible manner.

Thus, Drain Cleaning is in itself a major function of the plumbing system and has to be looked upon professionally when the need arises. It’s better to prevent any problems rather than waiting for them to happen to seek professional advice as the longer you avoid it the more severe the problem may become.
